This was my Dad’s Lambretta and he used to use it to ride up to Oxford from Ringwood at the start of the week and back again at the weekend. We use to go out and about on it sometimes when i was little and many years ago when he decided he didn’t want it anymore and was going to get rid of it i said “I will take it” and so i did. This was over 15 years ago!

It was all together but not running and it had previously had a very crap paint job so i decided to take it completely apart, had it bead blasted and rust proofed and then it all got boxed up and put in the loft ready for the rebuild!

1 daughter, a house move, many job changes and the restoration of my other long term project (a 1973 Opel Manta – and I now finally have the time to get on and start on the Lambretta!

It’s an Li 150 Series 3 and was originally Blue and white (grey/white) and standard. Its going to be put back to as close as i can to the original. I don’t plan on a concourse build as its going to get used on dryer days and as much as i can. I currently ride a Vespa GTS300 so this will be for riding about in the sunshine and enjoying it as much as i can.

Im starting this blog just to be able to record the progress as its nice to look back on what you have done and the blog for the Opel Project has been great to track the long slow process of a rebuild and i hope this one is a bit quicker!